Daily Archives: February 10, 2012

Sunday Morning Sermon for 2/5/12

Sorry this one is getting posted a few days late.  We had a dear lady in our church go home to be with the Lord late last week and the funeral arrangements meant that we had family and public visitation on Sunday night and a funeral on Monday afternoon.  This lady, Marge, and her husband (who passed a few years ago), were vital members of our congregation for many years, going back to the beginning of the church in the 70’s.  Please remember them in your prayers, that the Lord would give the family comfort in a time of loss.

The message this week begins our look at a few of the “macaroni” issues in Scripture.  That is to say, issues where changes in language and/or unawareness of the meaning of the phrase has led to problems in understanding what our Master or Scripture is trying to say.  I mention this in the message itself, but I will say it for those who follow along here.  I do not pretend to have perfect understanding, and I am always glad to hear from those who see these things differently.  Feel free to leave a comment or question on these posts.  This week we are looking at Peter’s keys and binding and loosing.  May God richly bless you through His Word.

Keys to the Kingdom

Matthew 16:13-20

Sermon notes 2/5/12

  1. What are the Keys of the Kingdom?

    1. An OT picture – Isaiah 22:15-22

    2. A Steward’s authority

      1. Matthew 19:27-29; Luke 22:24-30

      2. Binding and Loosing

  2. The real meaning of binding and loosing – Matthew 18:18-20

    1. Bind – Forbid

    2. Loose – Permit

    3. Legal decisions and authority

  3. What does it mean for us?

    1. This is Key – Open the door – Revelation 3:7-13

    2. Authority has limits

      1. Cannot rewrite God’s Word

      2. Interpretation – Acts 15:19-21

      3. Fulfilling the Law

    3. Building Stones – 1 Peter 2:1-12

Categories: Disciples, Epistles, Gospel, Isaiah, Matthew, Podcasts, Sermon | Leave a comment

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